Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Static Cling

A few hours before Elliot got a hair cut this weekend he and Brian we playing on the couch. As you can tell it was a very staticky day. I think this weekend captures the essence of our weekend: fun, relaxing, family.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Treat Time

Lately Elliot has been fascinated with feeding our dog Zsi-Zsi. He loves to put food in her bowl and give her treats. Unfortunately he wants to feed Zsi-Zsi over and over. She is going to be a fat puppy. Enjoy the first video to hit Elliot's blog.
(video link coming soon)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Titans vs. Ravens

A couple of weekends ago Elliot, Brian and I went over to our friends the Green's house to watch the Titans and Ravens Play for a spot in the NFL playoffs. While Brian and Sam watched the game, Audrey and I hung out with Elliot and Allie. As always they had lots of fun. Allie has lots of cool toys that Elliot liked a lot including a slide, a shopping cart, and a little house. He also really liked her little arm chair and made himself right at home in it. Its been a stressful and busy couple of weeks for the Farnums and I apologize for the sporadic posts. I promise to continue to post regularly from this weekend on.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


So there's a cool site where you can take almost any image and Obama-icon it. Check out my little man. According to his great Grandma Du he's a Senator in the making. What do you think? By the way we taught him how to say "Obama" on Monday.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Make Every Moment Count

I can't believe it's already 2009! To celebrate we went to a party at our friend's Cakki and Jim's house. Their son David is 2 so it was a party with lots of kids = lots of fun for Elliot. We left at around 8 and Elliot was in bed by 10. I had a glass of champagne with B, then fell asleep on the couch. I am glad I did get a good night sleep because we ended up having a busy first weekend of the year. The highlight of the weekend was a hike to the River with our neighbors the Gables (you may remember Elliot's friend Martin Gable from earlier posts). It was a beautiful day, a great hike, and a wonderful start to the new year.

2008 flew by. My resolution this year is savor every moment that I get to spend with Brian and Elliot. Elliot changes every day and last night shocked me with the following conversation (me and Elliot in the car), a moment that will make me smile everytime I think of it.

Mommy: "Elliot do you know what a cow says? What do you think a cow would say to you?"
Elliot: "(short pause then confident response) Moo"
Mommy: "That's right. How about a duck? What do you think a duck says?"
Elliot: "(longer pause) Cack, Cack"
Mommy: "Yes, quack, a duck says quack. Okay, this is a hard one. What do you suppose a sheep says."
Elliot: (silence)
Mommy: "Come on, you know. What does a sheep say."
Elliot: (long pause) "Baaaa"

I was so excited I think I squealed, Elliot clapped too. Fun times.

Post Christmas Celebration in the Burg

After a bleary eyed night of traveling and some long much needed naps, Elliot, Brian and I went to Williamsburg on the Sunday after Christmas to open presents with Mimsey and Cliff. Elliot received several very cute outfits and a CD player from his aunt Lindsay (Lindsay, he likes the CD player now but was more interested in the box it came in when we opened it). He also had lots of fun, as always, exploring Mimsey's house. He especially liked the antique child's chair that he found in her office. i think we may need to get him a little chair for our house.

More Christmas Pics

Elliot's Grammy sent me a few more photos from our trip to Colorado that I thought Elliot's fans might enjoy. In addition to pictures of Elliot's trip to the Denver Children's Museum and Christmas morning, there are also pictures of Elliot with the Farnum's neighbor, Olivia. She is a very sweet girl and she came over one day to help Elliot make cookies. She showed him how to use the cookie cutter and tried to teach him his shapes. In case you were wondering, Elliot likes sugar cookies.