Friday, May 23, 2008

Lions and Tigers and Bears...

Yesterday was another big day for Elliot. After a morning of playing with Grammy and Papa we went into town to see the new library and to have lunch. Elliot slept through most of the trip...a theme for the day. When we got back some of the grown ups took naps while Elliot played with Grammy. Once we were all rested we headed to Denver to check out the zoo. Once again Elliot slept though the whole trip. He woke up just as we were about to leave and got to see the lions. From the zoo we headed to Aunt Stacey and Uncle Joe's house. They have lovely new (old) home and Elliot had a great time exploring their living room and kitchen. While we were there my good friend Ellen stopped by to meet Elliot. Ellen and I have been friends since college and it was so good to see her. If it wasn't for Ellen there might not be an Elliot. When we graduated from college, Ellen asked our friend Jodi and I to move to Boulder with her...which is where I met Stacey and her brother Brian. By the time we left Stacey and Joe's house Elliot was fast asleep. He had a much better night last night which meant we all slept well. Today Elliot and I are hanging out with Grammy while the big boys golf. Tonight we are going out to dinner and leaving Elliot home with a sitter.

1 comment:

Ellen the Felon said...

Oh my, that picture isn't supposed to be there! I'm so glad I got to see you all! I love Elliot! Such a sweet little guy! Give that little Scooter a kiss for me!
