I can't believe it's already November. Fall is flying by and winter will be here before you know it. Elliot was a very busy boy during the month of October with Halloween playgroup, parties at school, a visit to the children's museum, his first trip to a pumpkin patch, exploring a new playground, and trick or treating.
Last Sunday we went for a really long walk in our neighborhood. Along the way we stopped at a little playground that has all kinds of fun toys for the toddler set. Elliot loved driving (with Daddy's help) this little blue car all over the playground.
Our next stop was the pumpkin patch at the Methodist church. Elliot LOVED the pumpkins. He tried to pick them all up and wanted to bring all of the little pumpkins home with us. After we picked out the perfect pumpkin we realized it wasn't going to fit in the bin under his stroller so the pumpkin rode in the stroller and Elliot rode home on Daddy's shoulders.
Yesterday, Mimsey came to Richmond to help us celebrate Halloween. While I carved our pumpkin, Elliot helped put the stray seeds in a big bowl. As you can see our carving was inspired by Elliot's buffalo costume.
Elliot's first time trick-or-treating was fun for everyone. Elliot was very excited about his buffalo costume and loved carrying the little candy bag that his Grammy made for him. All of the neighbors thought Elliot was very cute. Instead of candy Elliot trick-or-treated for
Unincef and raised $2.75 (which Mommy and Daddy matched) to help UNICEF provide water, education and medicine to the children who need it most around the world.