Sunday, October 24, 2010

Walk Like a Zombie

This weekend was filled with fall fun (between long stretches of work for poor Daddy). Last night we went out to diner in downtown Silver Spring on our way home from the Home Depot. When we left the restaurant we discovered that we were just in time for the annual Zombie Walk. A parade of people dressed up as Zombies that makes it's way through Silver Spring and ends at the AFI Movie Theater with a showing of Night of the Living Dead. Elliot was pretty excited about the Zombies and wasn't scared when the parade started. he was afraid of the wolf howls projecting from speakers but he told us that the Zombies would fight the wolves and he was brave because he is Batman. You can see a video of our zombie encounter here,
Beatrice just hung out in her stroller taking it all in.

Pictures to come...having technical difficulties at the time of this post.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sitting Pretty

Last weekend Aunt Lindsay and cousin Natalie stopped by for a quick visit while passing through town. Even though Natalie wasn't feeling her best and was a little fussy, I got a couple of shots of the the babies showing off their new sitting skills. Beatrice still needs some help sitting but she is getting better at it everyday. Natalie can already get up into the crawl position a rock back and forth - watch out Aunt Lindsay and Uncle John!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Happy Half B-day Beatrice!

Today Beatrice is 6 months old! Where has the time gone? She is growing and changing everyday, Mariana swears she looks bigger after not seeing much of her over the weekends. Missy Moo, Pup, Bea, or BB (as she is frequently called) is a very happy girl. She smiles every time she sees her brother, Mommy, Daddy, or Mariana. Beatrice loves to laugh and finds Elliot, Mariana's singing, and Daddy's silly faces to be quite funny. She is getting stronger everyday and likes standing and sitting with help. She also loves to bounce in her rain forest bouncer (something that Elliot also enjoyed) and roll around on the floor. Beatrice is a great little sleeper and goes to bed every night with little to no fuss.

We've only been a family of four for 6 months, but it feels like Beatrice has always been a part of us. I know the next six months will bring even more changes and surprises as Beatrice gets bigger and becomes more engaged with the world around her. I can't wait to see what's ahead, but I also want time to slow down so that I can enjoy every second with my baby girl.

Half B-day Update: At her six month check up Beatrice was 75 percentile for height and 64 percentile for weight. She grew two inches (to 26") and gained two pounds (to 16.4) since her last visit.