Sunday, May 27, 2012

Beatrice's First Hair Cut

Most children probably get their first haircut before they turn two. For a long time I couldn't bring myself to allow Bea's sweet little baby curls to be cut. All it took to change my mind was the summer heat. Stringy, sweaty, tangled hair is not a good look for any girl.

We took Beatrice to a place called Cartoon Cuts for her first hair cut. Instead of mirrors at each station they have TVs that play cartoons. Beatrice was very good and sat very still for her first cut. Elliot was a great big brother. He told her to be brave and that she was doing a great job.

Don't worry, her frown turned upside down as soon as she got her lolly pop.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Sun, Waves, Friends, and Pirates?!?

After our trip to Charleston, Brian and I met up with kids in Williamburg, packed up the car and drove to Virginia Beach (about an hour and a half east of Williamsburg). Unfortunately the beautiful weather we had in Charleston did not follow us to Virginia. It was very windy and a bit chilly to be at the beach. We didn't let the bad weather get us down though. We had plenty of good friends to keep us entertained. Two of my friends from high school, Kelly and Tasha, were there with their families. Kelly's sister also came up from NC for the weekend with her family. It was the first time all of our kids were together. The weekend was filled with walks to and on the beach, watching the rescue attempt of a beached baby dolphin, great food, a trip to the aquarium, and even a pirate festival!

Day 1: Everyone gets to know each other. It didn't take them long to travel in a little pack. 


There was lots of wagon pulling...

 and wagon riding...

  Elliot really enjoyed the aquarium. Beatrice woke up just in time to check out the sting rays. 

The pirate festival was perfect for our little buccaneer. Elliot was in heaven. He made all sorts of pirate themed crafts including a hook hand, treasure map, and head scarf. There was even a life sized pirate themed board game. 

It wasn't exactly beach weather but the kids enjoyed it anyway. It was the first time either of them had ever been to a real beach. 

Beatrice kept trying to get the sand of her toes. 

Elliot wore his pirate head scarf for the rest of the trip... and the drive home... and the first few days back at home. 

Our attempt to get a pictures of the girls before we left. (left to right Anja, Lily, and Beatrice) 

Good-bye hugs...

Friday, May 18, 2012

Where Summer Begins

Brian and I have been in much need of a vacation and when our work schedules let up recently we jumped at the opportunity to get away. We decided to head down to Charleston, SC for 5 days. My Mom (Mimsey) agreed to come up to DC by train to pick up the kids and Lara and drive them all down to Williamsburg where they would stay while we were in SC. Brian and I had a very relaxing trip which included many wonderful meals, sleeping in, shopping, spa treatments, golf (for Brian) and walks on the beach.
The kids had a great time too. Mimsey's house is like a vacation for them. There is lots to see and do and Mimsey loaded the freezer with popsicles.

They drove the little car. Bea was pretty excited to be able to reach the pedals this time!

They caught a turtle and fed it apples. The turtle made a daring escape in the night with Gramps' help.

They went to the original James Town Settlement and posed next to the statue of Pocahontas. Bea is getting good at saying "cheese" for the camera.

They took the Ferry to pick Strawberries.

They played in the fig tree in the back yard.

They also went to the beach along the river, the Virginia Living Museum and the playground! Needless to say, they had a blast. Brian and I met up with them in Williamsburg on Thursday and we headed to Virginia Beach for more adventures! More on that tomorrow.