Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Call me Coach

This fall marks the beginning of Elliot's official athletic career. On Sunday he had his first practice as a member of the Takoma Soccer Pre-K League. I volunteered to coach and after the first practice (at this age we basically just practice and don't play real games) Elliot told me "I was really proud of you Mommy for being such a good coach." My co-coach Chris and I barely managed to keep our 18 players entertained for the full hour - but we survived.

I think it will be a fun season - "Go TEAM GOLD!!!"


I can't believe my baby boy is FIVE! He has been telling Beatrice, "I'm five now, I am a big boy. Do you know how old five is? It's really big, Bea." over and over since he officially turned 5 yesterday. To celebrate the big day we had a pirate themed party at a local children's museum on Saturday. A few of Elliot's favorite four and five year olds (and some of their younger siblings), Mimsey and Gramps, and Lara came to the party.

We played pin the parrot on the pirate.

We listened to a story about pirates.

We ate pizza.

We had cake.

when we got home, we opened presents.

We went for a walk with Mimsey and Gramps.

We showed Mimsey and Gramps how to pump.

And Beatrice did some bouncing.

On Sunday, I made cupcakes to send to school on Monday. Elliot was pretty excited about the little pirate flags.

I think Elliot had a great birthday. We are so proud of the boy he has become and are loving every minute of the adventure that is parenthood.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

First Day of Preschool

Beatrice joined Elliot at pre-school this year. She is in the two mornings a week 2's class and Elliot is in the three half days a week 4's class. They were both pretty excited to be at school. Lara and I were both so proud at drop off this morning when both kids walked into their classrooms with confidence. Bea didn't even look back to see where we were. They both had a great day and are looking forward to another great school year. 

Bea playing in the hallway waiting for her drop off time. 
I have quite a bit of blogging to catch up on - Brian took the kids on separate vacations, Grammy and Papa came to visit and Elliot lost a tooth. Most of these pictures are on Brian's computer. As soon as I can get my paws on it I will update the blog.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day in the Burg

We spent our long weekend in Williamsburg with Mimsey and Gramps and the Packs (Aunt Lindsay, Uncle John, and Cousin Natalie). It was so much fun watching the cousins play together. Elliot was very patient with the girls, Beatrice was not so patient when Natalie wanted to swap baby doll strollers. The girls have nearly identical doll strollers but Natalie really wanted Beatrice's.

In addition to lots of time spent playing; we went on walks, saw some nature lots of rides in the golf cart, swimming, sea glass hunting on the beach (of the James River). Mommy even snuck in a long run and Daddy and Gramps played a round of golf.

An activity that wasn't particularly fun (due to the heat), but that everyone was glad we did was a family photo session. I am determined to have another great Christmas card photo!