Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day in the Burg

We spent our long weekend in Williamsburg with Mimsey and Gramps and the Packs (Aunt Lindsay, Uncle John, and Cousin Natalie). It was so much fun watching the cousins play together. Elliot was very patient with the girls, Beatrice was not so patient when Natalie wanted to swap baby doll strollers. The girls have nearly identical doll strollers but Natalie really wanted Beatrice's.

In addition to lots of time spent playing; we went on walks, saw some nature lots of rides in the golf cart, swimming, sea glass hunting on the beach (of the James River). Mommy even snuck in a long run and Daddy and Gramps played a round of golf.

An activity that wasn't particularly fun (due to the heat), but that everyone was glad we did was a family photo session. I am determined to have another great Christmas card photo!

1 comment:

Stacey said...

The photos are great! I love the black and white ones of the kids swinging with you guys. Also love the family ones with the arbor. Bea's hair looks lighter to me? So cute.