Friday, November 9, 2012

End of the Season

The Gold Team's soccer season came to an end last weekend. It was pretty cold and felt more like winter than fall. We managed to take a team photo, run a couple of drills, and have one last scrimmage. 4 and 5 year  olds scrimmaging is pretty crazy. They basically all chase the ball and try to kick it at the same time. At the end of practice every player was presented with a medal. Elliot was so proud of his that he wore it for at least three straight days in a row.


I was worried that Super Storm Sandy was going to rain out our Halloween, thankfully it didn't and we had a great time trick or treating. We were joined by some of our neighbors (DJ Lance, a tiger, and a monkey) and went to at least 15 houses. The kids had a great time riding in the wagon, ringing door bells, and counting their candy.