Monday, June 27, 2011

Twinkies Come to Visit

Two weeks ago the Farnum-Lynotts made the trip all the way from Colorado to visit us over Father's Day weekend. It was the first plane ride and a BIG trip for cousins Webb and Adelaide (AKA the Twinkies). We are so glad they came and we all had a great time during their stay. Daddy and Uncle Joe enjoyed their time rubbing elbows with golfing greats at the US Open (seriously, Unlce Joe has the pictures to prove it), and Mommy and Stacey enjoyed catching up and spending time with all of the kids (we also manged to sneak in a little shopping, lunch with a friend, and a pedicure). We also all spent lots of time at the Farmers' Market, playground, and strolling the neighborhood. On Monday, before the Farnum-Lynotts headed back to CO we ventured into DC to see the sights. Of course I didn't take enough pictures, but I did get few good shots (and steal a few of Aunt Stacey's) of our adventures.

Cherry stand at the Farmers' Market

Everyone wanted to play with Bea's little kitchen.

Elliot helping push Adelaide
WWII Memorial

Team Stroller

View from the Lincoln Memorial. Its too bad the reflecting pool is being renovated - not exactly picture perfect.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Weekend with Mommy

Our summer is in full swing with weekends filled with trips to the farmers' market and playground, lots of time in the yard, and most meals are eaten al fresco. This weekend I had the kids all to myself (daddy had to work) and we were busy bees. On Satruday we went to the Farmer's market. While we were there we stopped to play in the fountain. Beatrice LOVES the fountain and Lara takes the kids there at least twice a week.

Elliot is all about making silly faces so its hard to get a nice photo of him these days.

After Beatrice's nap and a little quiet time for Mommy and Elliot we went to see Mom-mom (my grandmother) to celebrate her 91st birthday. My cousin David and his family were there and Elliot and Beatrice had a create time playing with their third cousins.

Today, Elliot, Beatrice and I went to the playground, ate brunch (at our neighborhood diner), Elliot and I did some art and listened to music, we took a little trip to a big fabric store, and we watched a movie when it threatened to storm (but never did).

We are all excited for the week ahead because Aunt Stacey, Uncle Joe, and Cousins Web and Adelaide are coming to visit. I promise to post lots of pictures.