Sunday, April 27, 2008


On Friday Elliot had his 6 month check up (he has been on a delayed check up scheduled since an ear infection postponed his 4 month). His check up was a bit traumatic, Elliot was tired and hungry so he was pretty fussy. When he got his shots he cried his little head off - not fun for me or Elliot. The doctor said that Elliot is doing great. Our little man has SIX teeth, is in the 90th percentile for height (28.5 inches), and is in the 50th percentile for weight (18 lbs 10 oz).

Additionally, Elliot is right where he should be developmentally. He is scooting (almost crawling), babbling, responding to his name, and grabbing/reaching for everything. In "firsts" news, we introduced the sippy cup for the first time this weekend, and Elliot managed to go from laying to sitting all by himself.

Elliot showed off some of his skills for his friend Clare when she came over for a play date yesterday. Clare is 2 months older than Elliot. She can crawl, say ma-ma, wave bye-bye, and pull up! So cool. They really do grow up so fast.

I'll post again this afternoon, we have a few adventures planned for this rainy Sunday, including a play date with our friend Martin.

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