Sunday, June 8, 2008

All Grown Up

We had another busy weekend. On Saturday we went to the farmer's market, checked out several garage sales in the neighborhood (I bought Elliot 2 cute board books and a little truck that makes noise when you push it), met up with Mommy's friend Ashley for lunch, then went to a neighborhood cook out for dinner. Elliot was quite the hit with the 1o year old girls. They all took turns holing him (which he seemed to really enjoy). We are keeping our eyes out for good baby sitters in the making.

Today we didn't venture out much - it was soooo hot here (95+ all weekend). There were many indoor activities to keep us busy. Elliot has been perfecting his pulling up skills and he is slowly but surely getting the hang of eating finger food. We have started giving him Cheerios. If 5 make it to his mouth he is having a good night. It is so cute watch him concentrate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great new pictures. From the looks of Elliot I think he'll be walking soon.