Thursday, July 24, 2008

Hand, Foot and Mouth

No, we haven't been playing the name that body part game... Elliot has Hand Foot and Mouth Disease, not to be confused with Hoof and Mouth Disease. Its actually very common, Elliot was the fourth case our doctor had seen yesterday, and it spreads like wildfire through daycare centers during the summer months. There isn't much you can do for it and thankfully Elliot seems to be over the worst of it.

Unfortunately he is essentially being quarantined so that he will not infect additional children at daycare (although I suspect most of the babies in his room have it) or any of his little friends. Brian and Mimsey are taking shifts at home with him today and I will be staying home with him tomorrow.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Poor Elliot! I hope he gets better quickly!