Elliot, Brian and I enjoyed a very relaxing weekend at home. We went to the farmer's market, ran errands, played, and ate some very tasty meals (Brian made an excellent pasta dish Saturday and gumbo Sunday night). Elliot tried several new finger foods this weekend and discovered that he likes steamed carrots, broccoli, potatoes, and pasta. I think Elliot had almost as much fun playing with his food on Saturday as he did eating it. He was easily the messiest baby on the planet and it took some serious scrubbing in the bath to remove all of the food particles.
Elliot continued to work on his standing skills over the weekend, and he is now standing for long enough periods of time for Mommy to take a picture. The black thing he is holding in the photo is a piece of his Thomas the Train push toy. He continues to cruise everywhere and can even stand up with out pulling-up on something. I won't be surprised if he is running by his birthday!