Saturday, October 25, 2008


Since Elliot is a bit under the weather this weekend I thought I'd share some recent adventures with doggies in this weekend's post. A few weeks ago the SPCA visited Elliot's daycare to talk about pet safety and pick up donations from a dog food drive for the local shelter. One of the gals at daycare took this picture of Elliot meeting the little beagle "spokes-dog". I think Elliot and the dog are making the same face.

Elliot gets very excited about dogs and really wants to play with Zsi-Zsi. We taught him how to throw the ball to her, which he thinks is hysterical. Hopefully Zsi-Zsi will catch on that there are benefits to having a little brother. Unfortunately we didn't get any great shots of Elliot actually throwing the ball but you get the idea.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

My How They've Grown

This morning Elliot and I went to October Play group at our friend Clare's house. October 2007 was Elliot's first play group. I remember thinking at the time, "Elliot is so small, I can't imagine him playing at play group." Boy, have things changed. Our sweet little sleepy babies are now active curious (still sweet) toddlers!

I thought a little Before-&-After would be fun. As you can see, this year's photo was somewhat harder to coordinate (Top photo 10/2007, bottom 10/2008).

Left to right: Haley, Elliot, David (puppy), Clare (lamb), Maddox (zebra), Allie (chili pepper behind Maddox), Myles (pea pod)

On the sofa left to right: Elliot (buffalo), Clare (ladybug), Allie (Halloween outfit), Jenny Leigh (octopus), and Evie (cat)
On the floor: David (Red Skin), Myles (cowboy), Finley (bee), Zant (Super Zant), and Maddox (banana)

Monday, October 6, 2008

First Hair Cut

The Farnum family enjoyed a very productive fall weekend in Richmond. Daddy ran all kinds of errands and fixed the computer; Mommy volunteer for the Junior League, did yard work, and cleaned house; and Elliot got his first hair cut. After being asked, "how old is she?" by two different people on Saturday (Elliot was wearing denim overalls and a very boyish shirt), we decided it was time for a little trim. Elliot did very well and looks quite handsome with his new do. Unfortunately he got a hold of Mommy's camera and deleted the best photo of the bunch.

In addition to errands etc, we also took time to relax and enjoy some of the first signs of fall. While on a walk in the park on Sunday, Elliot and I came across one of the first leaves to turn. It was very pretty and Elliot enjoyed looking at, holding, then tearing up some of the brightly colored leaves.

I am so excited that fall is here and can't wait for Halloween. Elliot will probably be running by then. He is constantly learning new things and is more of a toddler and less of a baby every day. He is now trying to feed himself with a spoon, he walks everywhere, blows kisses, and loves to say and point out dogs.