Saturday, October 18, 2008

My How They've Grown

This morning Elliot and I went to October Play group at our friend Clare's house. October 2007 was Elliot's first play group. I remember thinking at the time, "Elliot is so small, I can't imagine him playing at play group." Boy, have things changed. Our sweet little sleepy babies are now active curious (still sweet) toddlers!

I thought a little Before-&-After would be fun. As you can see, this year's photo was somewhat harder to coordinate (Top photo 10/2007, bottom 10/2008).

Left to right: Haley, Elliot, David (puppy), Clare (lamb), Maddox (zebra), Allie (chili pepper behind Maddox), Myles (pea pod)

On the sofa left to right: Elliot (buffalo), Clare (ladybug), Allie (Halloween outfit), Jenny Leigh (octopus), and Evie (cat)
On the floor: David (Red Skin), Myles (cowboy), Finley (bee), Zant (Super Zant), and Maddox (banana)


Anonymous said...

All the darlings are adorable in their costumes. Our little Buffalo is especially handsome in Grammy's eyes. What a change in a year's time...

The Packs said...

What a bunch of cuite pies! And Elliot is the cutest Buffalo EVER!!