Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow Day

This weekend was MUCH better than last weekend. Although the weather was cold, rainy, and then snowy for most of it, we had a great time. On Saturday we all took a trip to the grocery store and came home with ingredients to make cookies. Elliot and Daddy made some yummy chocolate chip cookies which we all really like. Yesterday Elliot and I saw our friends Ada, Clare, Cakki and David. Its so fun to watch the kids play together and it was a nice diversion on a very rainy day. By 5 PM the rain had turned to snow and boy did it snow! We woke up this morning to about 6 inches. That's the most snow Richmond has seen in a LONG time.

We all had the day off so we spent it sledding in forest hill park, playing outside, building a fort in the living room, watching a movie (Wall-E), drinking hot chocolate, and napping. It was so much fun to spend the day together! Elliot was a little unsure of the snow at first but quickly decided it was fun stuff. It is so beautiful, hopefully it will stick around for at least a couple of days.


Anonymous said...

Looks like a baker in the making on a snowy Richmond day.

Stacey said...

What a perfect weekend! Looks like you guys had fun in the snow!! Can't wait to bake with Elliot the next time I see him.

Amanda said...

It really was the perfect weekend. Elliot cried his little head out at daycare this morning :(

Amanda said...

It really was the perfect weekend. Elliot cried his little head out at daycare this morning :(