Saturday, August 21, 2010

This past weekend we headed down to Williamsburg to spend some time with Mimsey and Gramps. Mommy and Mimsey shopped, Daddy and Gramps played golf (Daddy did some shopping too), Elliot played cars and trucks, and Beatrice got lots of love a tummy time.

Actually Elliot did a lot more than just "play cars and trucks", which is always his response to the questions "what did you do today?" or "what would you like to do?" He fed the fish, explored the yard, woods and beach; and went shopping with Mommy, Mimsey and Beatrice. While we were out an about we encountered Geoffrey, the Toys R Us Giraffe. Elliot was very excited about the Giraffe, but also very scared. He begged me to hold him when we approached Geoffrey, I swear he had his legs wrapped around me so tight that my arms weren't doing a thing to hold him up.

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