Saturday, November 2, 2013

Six !!!

Wow! Has it really been nearly three moths since I've posted. We've had a fun filled fall so far. We kicked off with the celebration of Elliot's 6th birthday. I still can't believe he's a bus riding, school going, lego playing six year old. He is such a great kid! We celebrated his 6th birthday with a Lego Starwars party. These are two of his absolute favorite things. We had about 12 kids at our house - most 5 year old boys to celebrate. I made all kinds of decorations and party games to go with the theme.

I raided his legos to make this. At first he was mad, but then when he saw what it was he was  very happy with my creation. 

setting up the death star piƱata

note the pool noodle light sabers. The kids loved these. 

our friend elsa really liked her Princess Leah mask

Rain nearly cut the party short, but a episode of Lego Star Wars saved the day.
Gus AKA Darth Vader

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