Sunday, May 18, 2008

Weekend at Mimsey's

Elliot and I went to Williamsburg for the weekend to visit Mimsey and Grand Dad. While Mommy shopped for a dress to wear to a wedding next weekend, Mimsey took care of Elliot. In honor of her time with him I thought it would be nice if she contributed to the blog. So now a word from Mimsey...

"Precious little Elliot and I went on a nice long walk on a beautiful day. We saw many of Mimsey's friends along the way who thought Elliot was just the cutest. He slept for a great part of the walk, but when awake he was very alert to nature and people. We also rolled around on the floor a lot. Elliot loves to crawl , commando style, and can move quickly. With my morning work out and chasing Elliot I believe I gained some muscle! I loved being with my grandson:)"

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