Sunday, September 7, 2008

Chip off the Old Block

Tropical storm Hannah kept us inside all day Saturday. Despite the dreary weather we had a very enjoyable Saturday. We spent lots of time playing and while Elliot napped I worked on his Halloween costume. He is going as a University of Colorado Buffalo (Chip). His little buffalo hat turned out better than I imagined. He will also wear a little brown long sleeve tee-shirt and brown fleece pants.

The sun came out on Sunday making for another lovely day to spend playing and practicing new skills like walking. Elliot is getting very good at walking and has taken 5 steps in a row. He put his walking skills to the test at the playground near our house and enjoyed climbing and pulling up on EVERYTHING!


Anonymous said...

What a great little Buffalo,it looks like the park was fun too. Can't wait to chase after you Elliot.


Mommy does a great job blogging!!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like Mommy had more fun on the slide that Baby!! He is too cute for words. I CANNOT wait to see him