Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Summer the AC Died

Dear Elliot and Beatrice, I doubt that either of you will remember much about the last five days of the summer of 2010. I on the other hand, will always remember this as the Summer the AC died...while Daddy was on a business trip, forcing us to become nomads.

Last week it got very hot in our house. We were in the middle of a record setting heat wave (102 + all week) and our air conditioner stopped working. We stayed in the house for one night and decided that we'd had enough. After a night a Mommy's cousin David's house (thank goodness for family), and news that it would be another three days before the AC would be fixed, we packed up and headed to Williamsburg. Five hours later we arrived at Mimsey and Gramp's house. Unfortunately Mimsey and Gramps were still enjoying their vacation in CO. Elliot, this made you very sad so we decided to stay through Monday night so that you could see Mimsey and Gramps after they got home on Sunday night.

Although it wasn't planned, we had a very nice trip. I went to the office in Richmond while you and Beatrice spent time with Mariana (our wonderful au pair). Over the weekend we played at the beach and went to the Virginia Living museum. Beatrice, you spent most of your time sleeping while Elliot had a great time exploring and making new discoveries. As I write this we are back home in Silver Spring, MD and we are all looking forward to sleeping in our own beds!

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