Sunday, February 13, 2011

Is it February Already ?!?

2011 is flying by and I can't believe I haven't  updated the blog since Christmas. Especially considering all of the fun we've had this year. In mid January Elliot, Brian and Beatrice took our first trip together to Colorado. We spent the first half of the trip with Grammy, Papa, Stacey, Joe, Webb, and Adelaide in Erie; and the second half of the trip in Beaver Creek skiing.

We had a very relaxing time in Erie. Elliot and Beatrice had fun exploring Grammy and Papa's house. Beatrice learned to pull up and cruise while we were there! Elliot quickly discovered the stash of Daddy and Stacey's old toys in the basement. His favorite was Daddy's play tool kit (with power drill). Elliot spent a lot of time "fixing" things while we were there. Beatrice spent most of her time terrorizing the twins. Although they are only a couple of months younger than her they are not mobile and she wanted to crawl all over them.

A trip to Erie would not be complete without a trip the fabulous Erie Rec Center and pool. Elliot and Beatrice had fun playing in kids area.

We were a little delayed heading to mountains the mountains due to heavy snow. Not great for driving, but wonderful for skiing. On the way Elliot mastered the phrase, "are we there yet?". There we got to spend time with Mimsey, Lindsay, John and Natalie. Natalie was a much better match for Beatrice and they had fun playing together.

While Mommy and Daddy skied, Elliot went to ski school. He was in the Mini-Mice group. Elliot LOVED his helmet and goggles and got lots of practice wearing them on and off the slopes. Mimsey and Lindsay watched Beatrice, which was quite the task as she had a little bit of separation anxiety. The next day Mommy, Mimsey, and Lindsay skied together. Daddy was on baby patrol and Elliot went to ski school.

On our last day in the mountains Mimsey, Daddy and Elliot went snow tubing. Elliot was a little scared, but when he saw that Mimsey could do it, he became brave. While everyone tubed Mommy, Beatrice, Lindsay, and Natalie did a little exploring and shopping.

We left the mountains in a snow storm and made it home without too much drama in later that same night. I can't believe we have already been home a month! Beatrice is now trying to stand on her own, eating finger foods, and starting to wave clap and point.

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