Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Parent Teacher Conference

This morning I attended my first parent teacher conference. Elliot has been going to a little pre-school in our neighborhood twice a week since September. Because Mariana usually takes him, I don't have much interaction with the teachers. It was nice to have a chance to site down and discuss Elliot's progress. Especially since his teacher, Mrs. M., had so many nice things to say about him. I plan to save all of Elliot's report cards, and I'll probably post them here - since this is basically our family scrapbook. That is until he gets a bad grade or begs me not to.

I am so proud of my boy! I was also happy to hear that he loves and excels at art. Mariana was shocked that his teacher wrote that he is an "awsome help at clean up". We may have to get some tips from Mrs. M. It has been so fun to watch Elliot grow and change over the last year. He has weathered all of the change in his life (new house, new baby, new school, new au pair) wonderfully and really is a "smart, caring, and confident" guy.

1 comment:

Grammy said...

Great job in school Batman alias the amazing E and Elliot, sounds like schoool is really a fun place.

Love, Grammy