Monday, December 10, 2012

Mile High Thanksgiving

Times flies when you are having fun and the Farnum family has been having lots of fun! At the end of November we flew to Colorado (Mommy, Daddy, Elliot, Bea and Lara) to visit Grammy and Papa, and the Farnum-Lynotts (Aunt Stacey, Uncle Joe, Webb, and Adelaide). We arrived in Colorado on Friday and Mommy and Daddy left the next morning for a little detour trip to Mexico. While Mommy and Daddy soaked up the sun South of the Border, Elliot and Beatrice spent some quality time with Grammy and Papa. Elliot spent much of his time at Grammy and Papa's house playing with Daddy's old Star Wars toys.

Mommy and Daddy returned to CO on Tuesday and the The Farnum-Lynotts arrived the next day. Webb and Adelaide were not feeling their best over the Thanksgiving holiday.  Despite being under the weather they had fun playing with Beatrice and Elliot.

On Thanksgiving day, Mommy and Aunt Stacey ran in a 5K turkey trot race. It was a beautiful day and the route followed a path with an amazing view of the mountains. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner and everyone ate their fill of delicious food.

In the days before and after Thanksgiving we visited the neighborhood playground, the Erie Rec Center and the Lafayette Children's Museum. All were great.

Out flight home was stressful. Bea was wound up and threw up all over Mommy mid flight. We all survived and were happy to finally get home at about 3AM on Sunday.

Everyone has received from the big and now have their sites set on the next big holiday and another visit with Grammy and Papa (this time they are coming to us).

We tried to take some family photos...

The kids helped cook dinner

Bea styled everyone's hair

1 comment:

Stacey said...

It was so great to see all of you! I'm sorry we weren't feeling our best.