Sunday, March 9, 2008

It feels like Spring, almost...

This weekend fit that saying about March perfectly, it was "in like a lion and out like a lamb." Yesterday was cold, rainy and very windy. Today was bright and sunny, still a little cold, but very sunny. We went for a long walk with our neighbors Ned and Martin and their mom, Rachel. Along the way we saw lots of signs of spring: dandelions, tulip buds, new grass, robins, and even a little garden snake! The boys were so comfy in their strollers that midway through the walk they drifted off to sleep. When we got home Elliot was well rested and ready to play, what a great way to end our weekend. (Left to right: Elliot, Ned, and Martin)


Anonymous said...

Great outing .Looks like everybody had fun.

Stacey said...

How fun! I'm glad you got to enjoy some nice weather!