Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Poor little Elliot has had a nagging cough for the last couple of weeks. It did not seem to be clearing up so I took him to the doctor today. Buddy has a wheeze and was prescribed more nebulizer treatments and a steroid. She thinks he has the remnants of a cold that won't leave and asthma. I guess kids who get RSV (like he did at 4 months) are more likely to have childhood asthma. We will go back to the doctor in a week to make sure he is getting better. He has been a little trooper through it all and is still the happiest, sweetest baby.

He was even happier (if possible) when Daddy got home from work before he went to bed - a rare occasion. Daddy read him a story from the Curious George Treasury book and gave him his bottle. I am sure he is dreaming sweet baby dreams as I type this.

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