Sunday, March 30, 2008

A Lovely Weekend

Saturday was a big day for Elliot. He was Christened by our friend and minister, Janna Roche, at Mimsey's house in Williamsburg. We had hoped to hold the ceremony in the garden, but the chilly weather kept us indoors. Despite the weather it was a lovely ceremony. We were very lucky to have our friends Tasha (Elliot's Godmother) and Marci in attendance and lots of family; all of Elliot's grandparents and his Aunt Lindsay. Elliot wore an adorable white suit and did not cry or fuss once during the ceremony.

Today Elliot's grandparents took Elliot, Brian and I to lunch and to the Virginia Museum of Art to see the Impressionists exhibit. This was Elliot's third visit to the museum, and the first that he was awake for. Elliot enjoyed looking at all of the art, especially a stained glass installation, and squealed with delight while strolling through several of the galleries.

Tomorrow will be Elliot's last day to "play hooky" from day care. He has been having so much fun with his grandparents and has seen many new sites including cows at Maymont and the water play area at the Children's Museum. We will all be sad when his Grammy and Papa head back to Denver, but we will see them again soon when we visit Colorado in May for Bryan Snow's wedding.

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