Saturday, August 16, 2014

Out and About

After such a long winter, we were more than ready to start getting out and about and enjoy the spring weather. We spent a lot of time at the playground near the home we are renting. It has a giant climbing rock that Elliot loves to climb. 

We went to Williamsburg and did a little hiking.

Beatrice and I enjoyed a couple of picnics in our front yard. 

We discovered a new trail and road bikes to downtown Bethesda. 

After our bike ride, we visited a pet shop, had lunch, went to Barnes and Nobel, and ate some gelato. 

We discovered new playgrounds - there are so many nearby. 

Between outings there were many wardrobe changes. Someone loves to play dress up. 

We played with friends like Gus. 

And Stephanie. Mommy, Daddy and Stephanie ran a 10K together. 

While Elliot was at school, Mommy and Bea went to "nature school."

Checking out the tadpole incubation pond in the rain. 

We went on hikes

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